APM 2.0 Power Supply


Do you recommend running the APM off of it's own battery?  If so, what battery power supply to you suggest?

Thanks for you help,


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  • I've been struggling with this as well.  In my case I have a servo that requires 6v...  I was planning on just running off the main battery.... but you guys have pointed out some really valid issues.

    I just ordered a castle creations BEC, If I did decide to use a second battery I guess I could use this new BEC.

    Anybody care to detail how they will connect the APM up to a second BEC?

    anyway,  why is the APM 2.0 so restrictive in its power?  It seems to me 5.5v and over is widely used.

  • I just converted my APM to use it's own battery yesterday, so that I can keep my GPS lock while changing the main motor battery.  Besides, having APM on it's own battery would avoid the interference from the servos.  In some case, it is needed if you are running a high sensitive sonar.

    I use a 2s 800mAH battery pack with a cheap BEC to down convert it to 5V.  I did a test last night and it lasted a little over 4 hours.  Depends on how big your vehicle is and how heavy it can carry, you can use a smaller/larger battery depends on your runtime/need.

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