Ground Station Can Not Display Data?

Hi, everybody, I have a set of ArduPilot board. I solder and connect all the necessary units together correctly, and then loading the code, testing and configuration. I can receive data in the serial port. However, after I plug APC220   used for transmitting and receiving data, pls see attached pic) instead of XBee and the USB adapter board into PC, and set serial speed to 9600bps. Also the main board can get good connction with GS. But I can not see any data displayed on the Ground Station. Anyone knows what is the possible reason for my system? Do I need to write any program to run the GS? Can I use APC220 to take place of the required XBee and the USB adapter board?



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  • Moderator

    I think you are going to have problems with MAVLink data overwhelming the link; I think it is not fast enough and will bog down. You can set the UART side to 56k and it will look just like the xbee, but the max tx rate for these are 19k, and that falls off with distance to 9600 @ 1000 ft (I think; I have no experience w/ these)

  • Hello,

    which PINs do i have to solder? Can someone give me a short manual?



  • Admin
    Start with first testing them stand alone ( connect each to different computer) and hyperterm and see if you can send some data/text accross( maintain 20' distance). If yes then match the baud rate and any specs as required for ardupilot and watch the data on hyperterm too. then proceed with watching/connecting GCS software. Mine had similar trouble but found that I did not connect the RX/TX line correctly and did not set the correct baud rate on autopilot side data radio. Good luck
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