Unable to activate autotune

Hi all, I have updated the firmware to 3.1-rc5.

But I am having issues with activating autotune in althold. I have done all the necessary calibrations, centering of trims and stick, as well as setting Throttle Mid. I have also set autotune with ch7 on a two-position switch.

I am not sure whether the way I have mounted my board could be the cause. 

I have also realised that the my forward motors gets hotter than the rear motors, especially the forward right motor. I'm not sure whether this is due to frame design or because the PID is un-tuned.  

Have uploaded pictures of my quad and the way I mounted the board. As well as the log file for my latest flight.

2013-11-03 21-29 75.log

photo 1.JPG

photo 2.JPG

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  • Hi,

    i have the same issue. Everything trimmed. Copter flies well, when activating Autotune switch, HUD in Mission planner says "Autotune active" and nothing happens at the copter....

    Any idea?

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