I have a hexa with 880kv motors.  My main goal is not responsive acrobatic flying as much as stablility and lifting heavier payloads.  With 2 x 5000mah lipos and a gopro camera and mount, my total weight is about 2.7 kg.  Can someone recommend a prop make and size that best suits my specs and needs.  Currently I am running on 9x5 props from an unknown maker (they are black in color, so probably not APC).  Thanks, and much appreciated.  Please see attached files for photos.




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  • I have those props... I think i have them... they are 9x6 and awful :D very soft and out of balance. Anyhow the specc for these motors state they can work with 4s lipo as well but i was wondering if anyone can confriem it. I will be using 10x3.8 SF props.

  • Larger props are also heavier and make your motors work harder, ie there is also an efficiency trade-off. But if you can afford mega-bucks for carbon fibre props, this won't be a problem.

  • Distributor

    Hi James


    With the 880Kv motors it is probably best to use 12x4.5 propellers.  However form your images I am not sure if they will fit, but I suggest trying to get the biggest props that can fit for your frame for the greatest lifting power.


    If you cant get very large props, the other option is to look for 3 blade props, they are not as efficient but lift more if you dont have the space for larger props. 


    BTW its a cool frame, did you design and build it yourself? 


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