Constant Yaw issue

Hello, I have loaded the latest (2.0.33) code and used both mission planner and CLI to do the setup, but even though I can take off and have a level flight, the copter is rotating constantly clockwise...I have about no control over the yaw.

I am using the DIY mag and also have a sonar attached.

Any ideas?


P.S. My mag is attached as follows:

Components Up, Pins Forward


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  • i have the same issue

    i enable compass and i even do the offsets manually

    i go for first flight after that it flys alright as soon as i land it starts goin ccw 45,90,180 degrees on takeoff

    i turn the compass off and the copter flys great.

    to me it looks like some how the compass rests and puts in default offsets.
    can i still do loiter and alt hold without the compass????

  • Did anyone solve the issue? Or just have any new ideas?

  • Lots of entries in the ArduPirates RC Groups build log thread over the last few months about yaw control issues using their firmware.  For most of us it ended up being more of a mag mounting issue.  I remoted mine using a short cable and mounted using two layers of Futaba gryo tape with a thin aluminum spacer between layers.  Corrected many yaw control issues I was having. 


    There were also issues with error feedback if you would takeoff/land with a slight yaw rate/takeoff again without resetting power to initialize sensor calibration.  Not sure where some of this stands now as I have been out of the ArduPirates loop for a few weeks.



  • What do you see in the mission planner? Is the heading value still or is it moving (watch also the numbers)?
    Also check compass offsets. I have seen that offsets go to very high values (in the order of +- 250) after some flights, so I always check them and eventually reset them by disabling/enabling the compass.

    Hope this helps.
  • after upload cant open .rar myself... says access denied..  here's uncompressed

    09-07-11 09-53 1.log

  • Have a look at my log, too, please.


  • Ok pressed ''download all logs'' here it is...



  • Hi, its says ''logs enabled'' but says ''no logs'' but i was flying today...hmm

    Strange thing i was flying GPS unplugged yesterday perfecly without any oscilations and vibration perefecly hovering... and today YAW was crazy and can't do nothing. I got good quality HExa frame from here: also got a little video of it here but on 2.0.32... here's some pictures also with me flying. 3692235454?profile=original


  • I have the same issue with yaw, however it appears accidentally and I found out recently in what casesexactly.
    I power on the quad and if I start to take off with this heading it tries to move 45-60 degrees clockwise, but if I rotate my quad 90 degrees ccw, it takes off without yaw. The same appears after landing and new take off effort.
  • Developer

    Try the latest version. I have a totally new Yaw control. It's in the downloads section. Be careful, it may have a few bugs. Just fly Simple or Stabilize if you don't want to do too much preflight testing.

    It's still no substitute for crooked motors though, please verify the motors are perfectly vertical.

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